The Museum
The J.B. Ambrosetti Ethnographic Museum was created in 1904 as part of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the University of Buenos Aires.
Today the museum is a center for research, conservation and exhibition of our historical heritage. It owns vast archaeological, ethnographical and physical anthropology collections.
Since its foundation, the museum has promoted and financed systematic research, increasing its archaeological heritage, mainly with objects from Northwest Argentina and Patagonia. Its collection of Andean pre-Columbian ceramics and textiles is also remarkable.
The museum’s first ethnographic collections include carvings from Easter Island, Africa, Oceania and objects from the Far East.
As a university museum, along with the exhibitions it organizes guided tours, workshops, video projections and hosts conferences by foreign scholars, among other services for the general public.
The museum also houses the Augusto Cotazar library, specialized in Anthropology and Archaeology.
The building
At only 200 metres from Plaza de Mayo, in the historical neighbourhood of San Telmo, the museum is set –since 1927- in an elegant building from 1874, planned by architect Pedro Benoit. For the last decade, some parts of the building have been systematically restored.
Authorities and staff
Director: Dra. Andrea S. Pegoraro
Academic Secretary: Esp. Carlos Molina
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Dean: Lic. Ricardo Maneti
Deputy Dean: Dra. Graciela Morgade